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1D Talks Ep. 56 - 🩸 Blood Tests and Diagnostic Testing for Proactive Health - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 56 - 🩸 Blood Tests and Diagnostic Testing for Proactive Health

Welcome to our latest 1D Talks episode, "Nerd Chat," where we dive deep into the world of blood tests and...

1D Talks Ep. 55 - BJJ to Bodybuilding: Dr. Mike Israetel, Carb-Cycling & Functional Strength - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 55 - BJJ to Bodybuilding: Dr. Mike Israetel, Carb-Cycling & Functional Strength

In this episode, Joe Miller, Justin Hokams, and Mike Catherwood dive into a whirlwind of fitness topics, featuring insights from...

1D Talks Ep. 54 "Nerd Chat" -  DHT, BJJ Motivation, & Jacked Dr. Drew! - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 54 "Nerd Chat" - DHT, BJJ Motivation, & Jacked Dr. Drew!

Unlocking the Truth Behind Fitness: Dive deep into the world of fitness, hormones, and supplementation in our latest episode featuring...

1D Talks Ep. 53 "Nerd Strength Chat" - GLP-1, Enhanced & Natty Training - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 53 "Nerd Strength Chat" - GLP-1, Enhanced & Natty Training

Welcome to another engaging episode of 1D Talks! In today's "Nerd Chat Strength Edition," we delve into the fascinating world...

1D Talks Ep. 56 - 🩸 Blood Tests and Diagnostic Testing for Proactive Health - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 56 - 🩸 Blood Tests and Diagnostic Testing for Proactive Health

Welcome to our latest 1D Talks episode, "Nerd Chat," where we dive deep into the world of blood tests and...

1D Talks Ep. 55 - BJJ to Bodybuilding: Dr. Mike Israetel, Carb-Cycling & Functional Strength - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 55 - BJJ to Bodybuilding: Dr. Mike Israetel, Carb-Cycling & Functional Strength

In this episode, Joe Miller, Justin Hokams, and Mike Catherwood dive into a whirlwind of fitness topics, featuring insights from...

1D Talks Ep. 54 "Nerd Chat" -  DHT, BJJ Motivation, & Jacked Dr. Drew! - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 54 "Nerd Chat" - DHT, BJJ Motivation, & Jacked Dr. Drew!

Unlocking the Truth Behind Fitness: Dive deep into the world of fitness, hormones, and supplementation in our latest episode featuring...

1D Talks Ep. 53 "Nerd Strength Chat" - GLP-1, Enhanced & Natty Training - 1st Detachment

1D Talks Ep. 53 "Nerd Strength Chat" - GLP-1, Enhanced & Natty Training

Welcome to another engaging episode of 1D Talks! In today's "Nerd Chat Strength Edition," we delve into the fascinating world...
